Wednesday 14 April 2010

If a week is a long time in politics it's even longer in Butlins.......

I don't like blogs that just describe stuff and don't allow space to think, but needs must I'm afraid.....
What. A. Week.
If I tried to go into detail about all the amazing things that God has done over the past 7 days, then I'd be here for a while. As per usual at spring harvest, the banter was incredible, between getting new jobs on a regular basis, the invention of new words, a bizarre re-telling of Esther and a million other in jokes I was belly laughing on a regular basis.
But thats not what I'll remember this week for.
I'll remember it as a week when God broke my heart again. Broke my heart for the lost, those around me, those I don't know. For those in pain, suffering,hurting.Broke my heart for those people that I constantly don't do enough for. I spent a couple of hours praying on the beach on the last night, I needed that.
I'll remember it as a week where God messed with my head, without going into too much detail, he once again turned my brain upside down, gave it a shake, and reminded me what a ridiculous human being I am.
I'll remember it was a week where I saw God change young people. Spring harvest is always a journey from night 1 to morning 6. Sometimes young people catch a hold of something instantly and are hyped up from the second or third night.
This week was different.
There was a subdued group of folks, not getting hyped in worship, but, through conversation, clearly open to what God was going to do.
As a team we wanted to challenge them in a variety of ways and on night 3 Damo did what he does best and led young people to Christ. Immediatly after we challenged young people to step up to the line in situations around them.
And from that point it kicked off.
Worship seemed to be led by the spirits of Michael McIntyre (why that happened is a totally different blog!), young people gave in massive ways to the offering and blew my mind. Hearts were changed, lives turned upside down, hope given out in new ways, I saw young people willing to spread hope in the lives around them, a willingness to invite God into their suffering, to praise him no matter what.
I feel so blessed to have been able to faciliate what God did in that place.
So so blessed.
A couple of thoughts which I've been unable to get out of my head. I prayed with a guy one night, his friend had just a heart attack. The next day he tells me he's been healed. Wow
The next day it turns out he relapsed, and died.
This guy turns to me and says "But I'm going to praise God anyway."
After seeing God do so much that week, it finished me off. I'm not a crying person, but sharing that story wells me up. As I said to one guy, its not only the girls that need waterproof mascara this year.
Some of the testamonies on the last morning were incredible. I don't want to go into detail, but the miracles (and not your ordinary ones), transformations and challenges that had come in that place amazed me.
But perhaps the thing that will stay with me most was the final act. At an early point in the week it was pointed out that me and Michael McIntyre share a certain similarity. I unleashed the power of the skip during some early morning banter, and soon after it was let out during the always popular 'dancing generation.'
Over the course of the week I led the young people on this skip round the venue a few times.
But on that last morning, as we prayed for them, we got them to skip out of the doors, into the outside world.
And here's the thing. Spring harvest is a place were young people can be led in a skip, shown the way, but when they leave, they're skipping on their own. Sharing the skip with others, inviting others to skip with them. As these young people skipped out of a dark, smelly venue in minehead they were ready to go out, change the world, via cupcakes and skipping.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for helping to lead an awesome week at spring harvest, I had such an amazing time!
